Scott Myers


Scott Myers is Board Chair at GoodCities. After receiving a BA in Humanities from Houghton College he has worked at the family business, SD Myers Inc., beginning in 1982, becoming President in 2004. SD Myers works to earn the undying loyalty of electric power system owners across the country, and often around the world, through a wide range of offering that provide system reliability.

Scott’s work at SD Myers led to the formation in 2016 of Good Place Holdings - a corporation with no shareholders whose profits fund its mission to give people the opportunity and encouragement to live up to their full potential while building up Good Places in the communities where they work. In addition to the Board role Scott is also the Director of Training, Education, and Development at GPH.

He lives in Akron OH where he is married to Gina Burk, has two grown daughters, Ahrenand Ariel, a granddaughter, and enjoys writing, reading, photography projects, old sports cars,book design, running, cycling, and travel with Gina and their girls.